Scratch x Financial Literacy:
Spending Wisely

Financial education is more than dollars and cents. It’s about establishing better spending habits, instilling confidence, and equipping the next generation with theskills to pursue big financial goals with minimal risk.

  • Scratch x Financial Literacy:
  • Spending Wisely
  • 25th October 2023
  • Lower Primary : Primary 1to Primary 3
  • Upper Primary : Primary 4 to Primary 6
  • The above categories are OPEN to the PUBLIC as well
  • Participants may compete individually or in groups of 2 maximum.
  • Cash Vouchers
  • Digital Certificates
  • SGD50 per team
  • Online
  • 1st July: Registration Opens
  • 7th July: Release of competition guidelines
  • 30th September: Closure of registration date
  • 18th October: Submission of Video Entry
  • 25th October: Announcement of Winners

Scratch Competition
Rules v1.0 pdf


What is financial literacy?
Financially literate consumers not only manage money with more confidence, but also have a better chance of handling the inevitable ups and downs of their financial lives by understanding how to prevent and manage issues as they arise.

That can mean keeping a close eye on their bank and credit card accounts so they’re aware of potential fraud as soon as possible, or being able to recover from a costly unexpected car repair quickly thanks to ample cash savings. On the other hand, financial literacy can help consumers save diligently for things that matter to them, such as a vacation or their child’s college education.

Here are some ways how being financially literate can change your life:

  • Understanding of how much you earn and spend. 
  • Financial stability — Repay and avoid debt.
  • Protect yourself from debt and bankruptcy. 
  • Work towards a secure retirement.


Students will be tasked to create a game with an engaging storyline and activities to teach students fundamental financial literacy concepts on spending wisely.

  • Budgeting
  • Differentiating needs from wants
  • Comparison shopping
  • Avoiding impulse purchases
  • Saving for the future
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